It is widely known that exercise has a huge part to play in reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes. But, as I’ve mentioned in previous articles, studies have shown that regular physical activity can also help people recover from, and avoid, depression.

Think about it: the less physical activity you do the more tired and miserable you feel. I know it’s true because, as a person who is involved in daily exercise, when I’ve been through times of forced rest, due to sickness or injury, my happiness level really takes a dive.

But, while I get back to exercising as soon as possible, for most people, the more tired and miserable they feel the less they want to exercise.

So, at a time when exercise is not on your agenda, you need to remember that when you exercise you release those incredible, happy hormones called endorphins which make you feel on top of the world.

Exercise also reduces the immune system chemicals that can make depression worse and increases body temperature which can have calming effects.

And, it can have a huge influence on your: Confidence. When you exercise, your appearance improves. You can also set yourself goals or challenges, no matter how big or small. You’ll find that achieving these will give you a real kick. Now you look and feel great.

Positive thinking. Exercise is a great way to distract you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that can feed anxiety and depression.

Ability to socialise. Exercise can give you the chance to meet others and get you out of the house. Even if you don’t attend an exercise class or the gym just leaving the house with a purpose will boost your chances of seeing and interacting with other people.

When deciding the type of exercise to take part in, you need to find something you enjoy, because this is what you will stick to.

It doesn’t have to include a gym – walking, running and cycling are excellent alternatives. Or, perhaps, try group exercise classes which are a great way of meeting new people and, more often than not, are great fun due to the atmosphere created by the instructor and participants.

You don’t have to beast your body to get the positive mood benefits from exercise. Doing something is better than nothing.

Trust me on this: get out there and give it a go, I promise you it can only help.