At this time of the year one of my chief concerns is my underwear.

If you spend as much time outdoors as I do, you’ll know what I mean. Thermals are essential items of clothing in my winter wardrobe, but hardly the sexiest of garments.

Waterproof (note, not shower resistant) jackets and trousers are also indispensable but are equally unlikely to cause a sensation at London Fashion Week.

So last weekend found me armed with a credit card and a strong resolve to do battle with the hoards at Bicester village. My quest was simple: find practical but feminine clothes to wear on the out and inside this winter.

Reluctantly by-passing long queues for handbags at the more glamorous fashion outlets, I made my way to the underwear shop and stoically ignored the alluring arrays of silky garments on display.

It was hardly a surprise that there were no thermals set out to attract the average shopper’s attention. On enquiry I was quickly shown the exit – and pointed in the direction of the ski shop. There, a helpful young man explained that there were only men’s sizes available.

However, undaunted in my quest, I sallied forth into every outdoor-sports-type shop I could find.

But I failed my mission.

Nothing even remotely fitted my criteria for comfort and sexy feminine style.

As I suspected, the market for Long Johns and thermal vests is dominated by male winter sporty types. Just the name long john evokes an image of Victorian gentleman sleepwear in my mind and certainly does not conjure up the alluring sexy, silky look I am determined to achieve.

The identity of the original John is unclear. There is a theory that the name derives from a famous boxer, John Sullivan, who wore the garment in the boxing ring.

Again, not quite the look I am aiming for.

Just because I run a gardening business I can see no reason why my undies should resemble those of a Victorian heavyweight-boxing champion. Something pretty and pink are my requirements.

Determining on another tactic I remembered a Swedish company at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, specializing in girlie gardening gear.

A closer inspection on the web site revealed wellington boots with bows, rose printed sun hats and flowery dungarees. Fun and feminine but not exactly practical, especially given all the rain we’ve had in Oxfordshire this week. I’m not asking for the Ann Summers look although I did try typing ‘thermal’ into the search bar on their website.

No results popped up… strange! Surely I can’t be the only woman who requires sexy, luxury, waterproof, thermal knickers and bras? The quest continues… By the way, that trip to Bicester Village wasn’t all wasted.

I couldn’t resist a gorgeous, long, slinky, evening dress. It positively jumped off the peg and begged me to buy it.

When we scrub up gardeners love a bit of glamour – at least, this one does.