All supplement research can be confusing, so in today’s article I want to keep it simple. Last fortnight’s article was about supplementing your diet whether you exercise or not. Today’s focuses on those who exercise regularly.

Firstly, I want to deal with a couple of questions I am asked. They relate to Protein Shakes, one of the most popular supplements.

Previously, you could buy them only in bodybuilding supplement stores or online. But now they are available in all heath food shops and even at your local grocery store.

I am often asked: Should I have a protein shake after training?

You do need protein for optimal health. It aids in repairing and building cells. Therefore repairing muscles after exercise is important.

When you train, your body breaks down protein. A post-workout dose of protein helps ensure a positive balance, which is vital for muscle growth.

Best time to consume a shake is in the first 10-20 minutes after training. However, many protein shakes are full of artificial sweeteners and flavorings. Why? To make them taste better. And yes, they can have a negative effect on your body.

Buying a protein shake without all the added ‘rubbish’ (to put it bluntly) and the right balance of protein, carbs and fat is more expensive as the ingredients are of higher quality. The nicer the ‘shake’ tastes, the more likely it is to be lower in quality.

Taking a protein shake post training isn’t essential. You are better off having a good meal of protein, good fats, vegetables and a small amount of starchy carbohydrates within an hour.

Another common question I am asked is: Should I train on an empty stomach? There is different research out there as to what you should do pre-training.

Each person is different. Some people train better with an empty stomach, others find they have no energy. This also differs depending on the type of exercise.

If you exercise in a fasted state muscles can get broken down to provide fuel. This can lead to a decrease in metabolism, causing less muscle and more fat.

Ideally I advise a good breakfast – eggs, smoked salmon, spinach and blueberries two hours before exercise. However, this isn’t always possible.

The best way to prevent your body using muscle for fuel if training in a fasted state is to load up on amino acids especially if weight training.

When these are taken on an empty stomach you will more than likely burn more fat and are unlikely to lose muscle.

The amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat that you consume will depend on the amount of exercise you do.

The more resistance training you do, the more protein your body needs to repair, the more cardiovascular training, the more good starchy carbs your body will need.

To get the correct balance is tough. Eat natural, healthy food, get a good balance of cardio-vascular and resistance training to achieve a strong, fit and healthy body.