I’m lying in a pile of cushions, on a bed seven mattresses high, under an enormous tree, staring up through the leaves at the summer sky.

View from the mic? Well, sometimes there’s no microphone and the view is pretty damn lovely.

And would you believe this blissful moment is technically classified as work?

It was a photo shoot. The brainchild of my friend Georgina, event planner at Ruby Weddings.

She gathered about 14 of us creative types in a field at the back of Milton Hill House, where we used our collaborative skills to create a make-believe Princess and the Pea themed wedding.

I know! Take a second to imagine that. It was a full-on production as beds, armchairs and lamps, mirrors and even a full dining suite complete with catering, were re-located to the foot of this old tree transforming it into a fairytale.

When I was a kid I would build houses in trees.

There were large oaks at the bottom of our garden and my sister and I would create imaginary homes in make-believe princess-fairy-lands made out of cardboard and sticks.

We’d put on mum’s old dresses and hats, and imagine all sorts of stuff – it was pure play and fabulous fun. I guess most kids like to do that, I watched my niece do it the other day.

Do we grow out of it or does our play find new expression? I don’t know. But this day afforded me the opportunity to re-live some of that childlike fun, and benefit my business at the same time!

For my part, I’d been invited to write and sing a song to suit the mood and the story, that would eventually be used for the soundtrack to the ‘making-of’ film. I can hardly believe that when scarlet-haired Georgina first asked me to do this project I was put off by the amount of work involved.

It took a good few days of thinking about it before I finally caught the vision and I realised what amazing fun this project would be.

When the day came I actually spent most of the afternoon singing to the crew.

Technically I was practicing, the song was only finished a day or so before and I wasn’t quite ready to be filmed but it sure created some special moments – wandering around the fields singing and playing guitar in a pair of pink floral wellies (because tip-toeing round the nettles in tiny sandals is painfully slow, or just painful), and having a bliss moment atop the mattresses.

I love it when bliss moments occur. You can’t always see them coming because they look like work, they may be hidden amongst the nettles, they may pop up and surprise you when you’re supposed to be doing something more ‘serious’. But if you don’t say yes to opportunity when it comes, you may miss out on the unexpected moments that really make life worth living!