• THE term “road hog” is often applied to drivers of fast cars, but The Insider has found a new breed. This mobility scooter user, right, was spotted in the outside lane of the Eastern Bypass, and has been part-blamed for congestion in the area on Tuesday. Taxi driver Colin Dobson tweeted: “Delays on Oxford Eastern Bypass this arvo are due to a bloke on a mobility scooter in the outside lane.” The picture gives a new meaning to the phrase “burning rubber”.
  • GREEN party members are known for their commitment to recycling and other ways to save our planet. The Insider supports this policy, and is grateful to them for highlighting it on the campaign trail from this poster, right, clearly left over from the 2010 general election campaign. We only wish they’d made the effort and changed the date to today’s, which is, as many of you know, polling day. Our worry is that voters in Deddington will now expect the polls to be open on May 6, and get a nasty shock.
  • UKIP has made headlines recently because of its choice of candidates, and now its choice of public speakers has been called into question. Instead of one of the candidates standing in today’s elections, the party chose supporter and Oxford law student Edgar Mkrtchian to speak on its behalf at a hustings on Tuesday night. He spoke passionately about how much money is being “thrown away” on Britain’s membership of the EU. But, as one other candidate said, Mr Mkrtchian himself is an American citizen in the UK on a student visa, so he certainly won’t be voting UKIP today.
  • LABOUR councillor and Catholic church flag-bearer Mary Clarkson has been sharing some home truths on Twitter. Using the social networking tool she revealed: “As a Christian politician I have sometimes felt unwelcome in the Labour Party.” When quizzed on her outburst, she said it was due to “general unhappiness about my views on abortion and my unwillingness to canvass on Palm Sunday morning. I do Sunday pm instead”. The Insider praises Mrs Clarkson on being one of the very few members of the obedient Oxford Labour mob to speak out against her party. More honesty like this please!