WHAT I’M CALLED: Simon Read MY AGE: 36 WHAT I DO: I create computer games. My most successful title is New Star Soccer, which has been around on PC for 10 years now, but last year I released it on mobile devices.

WHERE I LIVE: A two-bed flat in Bicester with my wife and son.

WHO I LOVE: My wife Lucy, my son Matthew who is 11 months old, and the rest of my family and friends.

HAPPIEST YEAR: This is a tricky one as Lucy and I had a fantastic year in Australia where I proposed to her in 2008, then we got married in 2009, but I shall have to choose 2012. It was the year Matthew was born and the year that I achieved some real success with my game.

DARKEST MOMENT: I can’t say I’ve ever had a really dark moment. I’ve never lost anyone I was close to, other than my nan who passed on at the grand old age of 100. There have been a couple of times when I have been a long way from home and all alone, which I find quite depressing.

PROUDEST BOAST: That has to be the BAFTA I received recently for the ‘best sports/fitness game’. I’m very proud of that and still can’t quite believe it. I don’t think I can ever top that in this career – maybe it’s time for a change of direction!

BIGGEST REGRET: Not joining the local football team when I was about nine. I have always regretted it and that obviously has a lot to do with my drive to create New Star Soccer.

WORST WEAKNESS: I get incredibly nervous if I have to speak in public, so I try to avoid it. My wedding speech and BAFTA acceptance are the only things I’ve ever managed!

LESSON LEARNED: Don’t let failure stop you from trying again. There have been times in the past where my games haven’t been as successful as I had hoped and it was difficult to get by financially, but I kept bouncing back.

DULLEST JOB: I once worked in an office where I handled the cheques that people sent in to pay their phone bills. It was mind-numbing but the people I worked with were great.

GREATEST SHAME: My memory is terrible. I forget people’s names as soon as they tell me them, and I constantly get into trouble with my wife for forgetting to do something she has asked of me.

LIFE-LONG HERO: Muhammad Ali. I love watching his fights and he was awe-inspiring to listen to and stood up for his beliefs.

OLDEST FRIEND: I don’t really have any old friends. I’m not very good at keeping in touch with people and most of my childhood friends have drifted away.

WIDEST SMILE: Coming home and seeing Matthew’s face light up. I never knew happiness like this until he was born.

FAVOURITE DREAM: I often dream of going into space. Seeing the Earth from space would be amazing.