Can we now tentatively say a final goodbye to Jack Frost? I say tentatively because although it looks like spring has eventually decided to bless us with more favourable cycling weather, just as I rejoiced last time the barometer rose we all got plunged back into the ice age.

Winter cycling has been going on way too long. I’m not saying I mind it – it can be quite pleasurable once you get going – but I must say cycling without a runny nose can be all that more enjoyable.

Now the sun is peeking through, cycle commuters are smiling again, nodding to each other as they cross paths rather than the odd wink from behind their balaclavas or snoods.

Children are learning to ride for the first time and parents are happily ferrying defrosted children to and from school.

Murmurs of bike rides are starting among cycle groups and friends, promises of long afternoons in the Cotswolds giving us something to look forward to. Investments in bigger and better bikes are being planned across the country and the news of proper money being invested in cycle infrastructure makes the coming of spring and summer all that more sweeter.

But planning ahead is key if you want to take part in the organised bike events. Charity rides and races are so popular these days you have to sign up well in advance, so perhaps now is the time. has all the major challenge rides listed and can even send you a paper copy of their magazine if your local bike shop has run out.

For more local events you can look to the CTC for weekly fun rides – has an enticing list of rides to Waterperry Gardens or an ice-cream farm in Weston on the Green, ideal for the longer distance cyclist who likes the social side of riding.

For the women there is also Isis Ladies, who ride weekly and, in the main, is women only. You can check their rides at

Yearly fun for everyone, the Oxford Bike Week committee has already begun to organise the event.

Running from June 15-23, various rides for all abilities are being organised to make a week-long cycling frenzy across the city.

Keep your eyes on the webpage for full details coming soon.

Finally, if you want a charity ride that all the family can do, why not sign up for the cycle4life Oxford Rural twenty two. Full details can be found at – always a wonderful day in some of our idyllic countryside.