OXFORD Brookes has joined an international campaign to encourage students to study, work and volunteer abroad.

The University has signed up to the Go International: Stand Our Campaign to increased the percentage of students going abroad.

The Universities UK International (UUKi) launched the initiative after discovering just 6.6 per cent of students take advantage of placements.

Last year 155 students went abroad and the University has pledged to make the application process easier and encourage more in the future.

Head of international partnership development at the University, Ahmed Masoud said: "Our commitment to this pledge reflects the University’s ongoing efforts to improving the student experience through offering various options of mobility, which have huge benefits for students and their future."

The campaign has been endorsed by Minister of State for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson MP.

Mr Johnson said: "We know that students who have experience of studying, working and volunteering abroad have better educational and employment outcomes.

"Employers value the skills that students develop through these placements, including language skills and cultural awareness."