BUSINESSES and community group leaders are being invited to give their thoughts and ideas on the future of Didcot Garden Town.

A cluster of different working groups will be formed by the Didcot Garden Town Board.

Each group will cover different sectors including: environmental, leisure and culture, science and innovation and education and health.

On November 21, two sessions will be held at the Cornerstone Arts Centre, where residents can find out more about joining the working groups.

The sessions will run from 12noon to 2pm and 6.30pm to 8.30pm. To register contact:

The working groups will all be self-directing and members will be able to use their expertise to provide ideas and suggestions for the garden town strategy.

Interim head of development and regeneration Gerry Brough said: “We want people who live and work in Didcot and the surrounding villages to help the Didcot Garden Town Board plan for things that go with new housing - roads and cycle paths, schools, leisure and health centres, community centres, shops whilst making sure we develop accessible and new open spaces for all ages to use and enjoy.

“It is a fantastic project and we are eager for residents and local groups to directly influence the future community of the garden town by joining one or more of the working groups.

“If you know a group of like-minded individuals, you could even set up your own working group.”

There will be a presentation as well as a drop-in display during the sessions.

Deadline to register attendance is Tuesday, November 14.

For more information on the working groups and Didcot Garden Town visit: