A CAMPAIGN group has renewed calls for a full inquest into the death of weapons expert Dr David Kelly following the release of the JFK files.

Now Gerrard Jonas, of the Justice For Kelly group, has called for the same thing to happen in Dr Kelly’s, saying: “The files are not due to be released until 2073 because they were bound by Lord Hutton.

“It is a coincidence, though a timely one, that the group is known by its initials JFK.”

Dr Kelly died in 2003, aged 59, after he was identified as the source of a BBC report claiming the Government’s case for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq had been exaggerated. He cast doubt on the dossier which was used as the basis of a case for going to war in Iraq.

The original inquest into Dr Kelly’s death was opened and adjourned, and then-Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer ordered Oxfordshire Coroner Nicholas Gardiner to adjourn it indefinitely, saying the Hutton Inquiry would fulfil its function instead.

In March 2004 Mr Gardiner announced that, after considering the Hutton report, there was “no exceptional reason” for the inquest to be resumed, ruling suicide.