COUNTY-wide conservation group Wild Oxfordshire will hold its 2017 AGM next month.

Entitled Pollinators and the Landscape, this year’s meeting will be held at the group’s Little Wittenham HQ on Thursday, November 23.

This year’s guest speakers will be Claire Carvell of Wallingford’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), and Oxford ecologist Judy Webb.

Dr Carvell will present a summary of research looking at pollinator responses to habitat creation on farmland from field to landscape scales.

She will give an overview of England’s National Pollinator Strategy and introduce the new UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, along with opportunities for volunteer involvement.

Dr Webb, meanwhile, will show how two groups in the city are helping to increase pollinator populations by planting locally-collected native seed of plants to provide nectar and pollen sources throughout the year, good habitat management and creation of good breeding sites i.e. habitats to favour larval stages as well as provide food.

Wild Oxfordshire is a registered charity which aims to bring together the work of various conservation groups across the county.

To find out more about membership of the group and attending events, email