THE government has pledged to support growth at a key Oxfordshire science park, which is one of the biggest in Europe.

Northern Powerhouse and Local Growth minister Jake Berry and the chief executive of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) Nigel Tipple signed a memorandum of understanding to boost the Didcot Growth Accelerator at a property conference.

The agreement will extend the Didcot Growth Accelerator by 200 hectares.

Mr Tipple said: “This agreement underpins our potential to grow the Oxfordshire economy through a strong partnership between the private and public sector.

“Geographically, this enterprise zone offers major business space opportunities.

"So the MOU means we can be more effective in our planning and better meet the needs of growing business – particularly in relation to Science Vale UK."

In the last six years, OxLEP has secured in excess of £220m-worth of central government funds.

It said has gone on helping the creation of around 40,000 new jobs over the past five years.

In total, the LEP oversees a £2.2bn growth programme for Oxfordshire.

The MOU was signed at the MIPIMUK in London.

Mr Tipple added: “Ultimately – this news represents another positive step in ensuring Oxfordshire has an infrastructure that is fit for purpose, supporting our ability to grow.

“This year’s delegation to MIPIMUK was a great success and allowed us to promote Oxfordshire to international audience, network and make new connections.”