OXFORD University produces the highest percentage of medical graduates that go onto work in psychiatrym a new league table has revealed.

Of all British universities, Oxford came joint top with the University of Keele according to the table released by the Royal College of Psychiatry last week.

The university has produced almost double the number of psychiatrists than the University of Cambridge since 2014, with an average of 4.3 per cent of medical graduates going on to work in psychiatry compared to 1.6 per cent from Cambridge.

The league table has been created in move to encourage more medical schools to put mental health ‘at the heart of the curriculum’ and remove the stigma against the profession of psychiatry.

Professor Wendy Burn, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists said: “Allocating more medical school places to schools that produce more psychiatrists is an ambitious way to reward progressive and positive teaching about the speciality."