A PLAN to build a care home on a wildlife site in Bicester could get the go-ahead.

The care home would bring up to 50 jobs to the area and would look after people who have dementia, on land off Skimmingdish Lane.

The home would have 64 bedrooms and would be situated on the southern part of the site, which makes up 54 per cent of it.

Developers plan to give the rest of the site to Cherwell District Council, which would maintain it as public open space.

The building would be built in an H shape and include two courtyards and gardens for residents.

A 20-space car park would also be built, which motorists would gain access to from Skimmingdish Lane.

There has not been a planning application for the site since 2005. Between 1996 and 2005 seven applications were all rejected.

But Cherwell District Council planning officers said the project should be permitted.

A total of three residents said they are opposed to the development, complaining that the loss of wildlife site 'must be stopped'.

Bicester Town Council has also objected. Skimmingdish Lane 'is already a very busy ring road', and people using the site would have 'considerable difficulty cutting across the traffic', it claimed. Councillors also said they fear the site could flood.

Cherwell District Council's planning committee will decide on the application at a meeting on Thursday.