RESIDENTS have been urged to help forge a future for their town.

Abingdon Town Council continues to piece together its community led plan; a wish list that will set out ideas and preferences for development.

It want residents to suggest ideas to ensure the plan reflects a shared vision.

Mayor of Abingdon Alice Badcock said: “We are keen to identify what is important to residents of the Abingdon area and understand their current and future needs.

“Topics might include requirements for community facilities and services, suggestions for improving the environment, ideas for sports and leisure activities and views about local transport and local provision for young people.

“A key role will be taken by local volunteers – if you would like to get involved in this worthwhile project please do get in touch.”

The plan can be used to sway decisions within the town’s boundaries including with planning and funding.

Last year the council put aside £10,000 to start the plan, which will carry less weight than a more advanced version called a neighbourhood plan.

The council also wants input on the plan’s name: Abingdon Future, Abingdon for All or Abingdon Vision. Other are welcome. Suggestions can be emailed to