OXFORD'S MPs should oppose moves to trigger Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), a Green councillor has claimed.

Dick Woolf, city councillor for St Mary's, said Brexit would have 'a negative impact on Oxford’s economy, its environment and its people'.

In a motion to Oxford City Council, he called for the authority to 'promote alternatives to' leaving the EU and said there should be a second referendum on the country's membership.

This would include lobbying MPs Andrew Smith and Nicola Blackwood to vote against the triggering of Article 50 – the formal process to exit the bloc – in Parliament.

And he said city council leader Bob Price should write to the Government, to remind ministers 'of the city's strong views on EU membership'.

In June's referendum, more than 70 per cent of voters in Oxford backed 'Remain'.

Mr Woolf's proposed motion reads: "On the basis that we believe Brexit will have a negative impact on Oxford’s economy, its environment and its people, and that the majority of the electorate voted to remain, we will also commit as a council to do what we can to promote alternatives to Brexit.

"We therefore call upon the city’s MPs to join the growing number of MPs committed to voting against the triggering of Article 50 and calling for a new referendum on the terms of any EU deal."