THE city council is appealing for motivated and committed women to help lead sporting sessions for other women in the city.

As part of its Active Women project, Oxford City Council wants to find more leaders to run different physical activity sessions.

Free training will be provided for volunteers to become a breeze cycling leader, a running fitness leader, a walk leader, or a Level 1 netball coach.

Councillor Linda Smith, board member for leisure, parks and sport, said: "The opportunities for women to be involved in sport in Oxford are vast.

"The Active Women project helps to provide women-only sport and physical activity sessions that are affordable, accessible and, above all, fun."

Any woman over 18 who is an Oxford resident and is interested in being more involved in sport, giving back to their community and developing new skills should contact Emma Collins at by December 31.

Oxford City Council is open to providing other training (where available) if anybody is particularly keen in leading an activity not included in the list above.