GIANT trees glistening with festive decorations are set to stand tall within Blenheim Palace.

Staff at the Woodstock palace have cut its biggest Christmas trees to date, ahead of its Christmas celebrations.

More than 2,400 yards of fairy lights will be used to create a glorious festive atmosphere within the palace's Great Courtyard, where the cluster of 10 Norway Spruces will be displayed.

The forestry team took just one minute to fell the trees, which took 25 years to grow and are 25ft tall.

Roy Cox, Rural Manager says: "Each year we plant approximately 2,000 of our Blenheim Palace Christmas Trees. These 20ft Norway Spruces are very special, taking a long time to mature properly and will look magnificent outside the Palace this festive season.

"We take a sustainable approach to growing the Blenheim Palace Christmas Trees, planting more each year than we cut and checking every tree for nesting birds and wildlife before any felling takes place."

The palace has also donated more than 50 trees to schools, churches, parish councils and public areas in the county.

Christmas trees, including Nordman Firs, Norway Spruces and Serbian Spruces, are available in all sizes from inside the gates of the Pleasure Gardens.