AN Oxfordshire MEP has produced a report calling for a range of measures to tackle wildlife trafficking.

Catherine Bearder, who represents South East England for the Liberal Democrats, has called on minimum prison sentences for wildlife traffickers to be introduced across the EU.

She also said wildlife crime should be given the same priority as drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering and that an EU wildlife trafficking coordinator should be established.

Other proposals include introducing a United States-style 'Lacey Act' to ensure that if a protected species has been illegally harvested in the wild it is illegal to trade it in a destination country.

Ms Bearder said: "For too long, wildlife traffickers have been getting off with a slap on the wrist.

"This is a serious and organised crime by efficient and international criminal gangs. They should be facing consistent sentencing across the EU.

"Now that the UK has opted to stay in Europol the government must push for wildlife trafficking to be listed as a 'serious and organised' crime.

"Elephants might be extinct in ten years' time at the current rate of slaughter - the public want to see something done about this problem immediately and we must respond to this crisis now."