A CRAFT ale named after twin baby boys who were nursed back to health in hospital has being launched by a North Oxfordshire brewery.

The 'Two Little Higglets' beer has been dedicated by Hook Norton Brewery to Harry and Jasper Higgs, who were born on July 21 at 31 weeks.

The pair, whose parents Mark and Claire Higgs run The Castle pub at Edge Hill, spent a total of nine weeks in the special care baby unit.

Mrs Higgs said: "They were given the most incredible care from neo-natal staff.

"Both boys required lots of medical intervention from birth and after two long and worrying months our gorgeous little men are now home where they belong.

"Without the outstanding level of care they received during this time they simply would not be where they are today - happy, healthy and thriving."

All profits from the sale of Two Little Higglets will go towards much-needed equipment to help babies like Harry and Jasper.

It is now on sale at pubs across North Oxfordshire including The Castle, The Reindeer in Banbury, The Bell in Adderbury and The Sun in Hook Norton.