A CHILDMINDER who provides 'exciting activities and resources' for the youngsters she looks after has been rewarded with a good rating from Ofsted.

Jodie Bridgen, from Carterton, was also praised by the education standards watchdog for ensuring children made 'particularly good progress' in their personal, social and emotional development.

She was inspected earlier this month and kept the good rating she was previously awarded in May 2013.

The rating is Ofsted's second highest.

Inspector Victoria Weir said Ms Bridgen was particularly good at supporting children of different ages and stages of development.

She was also said to reflect on her practice effectively to find out what she could improve on.

In her report Ms Weir said: "The childminder actively supports and nurtures children's emotional and physical wellbeing.

"Children are confident and motivated. "The childminder helps children gain an

appropriate understanding of how to keep safe as they play.

"She encourages children to look after themselves and to lead a healthy lifestyle such as regular physically active play


Ms Bridgen, who looks after 11 children aged up to six, was recommended to gain a clearer picture of their starting points to improve her provision further.

Ms Weir also said she should develop partnerships with other settings that the children attend.