IN the latest of a series of late-night openings the Ashmolean Museum will host a Fright Friday event.

The night of dance, music and film installations will take place at the venue in Beaumont Street from 7pm to 10.30pm on Friday.

The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) has teamed up with museum staff to explore the art and science of Hope and Fear for the latest Live Friday night.

There will be a series of talks and the evening will focus on the themes of hope and fear, and the Ashmolean's collections.

The Rooftop Dining Room and Crypt Café will be open all evening.

The evening has been supported by the Wellcome Trust and is the national Festival Finale for the Being Human Festival, which is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.

Tickets are free but booking is essential.

For further information visit