FREE leisure sessions for women are being offered by Oxford City Council and its leisure partners Fusion Lifestyle.

The Active Women vouchers are available to women in the city over 16, who do not exercise more than twice a week for 30 minutes or more, and is not a member of Fusion Lifestyle.

The Active Women vouchers offer six free sessions to try out the gym, swimming pool or fitness classes at Barton Leisure Centre, Ferry Leisure Centre, Leys Pools and Leisure Centre, Oxford Spires Sport and Fitness.

Linda Smith, board member for leisure, parks and sport, said: "These vouchers are an opportunity for all Oxford women to explore their local leisure centre and get active for free.

"The city council is committed to the provision of high quality, affordable leisure facilities which are accessible to the whole community and I hope this amazing free offer tempts some previously inactive women into trying out some of what our leisure centres have to offer."

The vouchers are valid until December 31 with a limited number per site.

For more information and an application email