STUDENT satisfaction is above the national average at Oxford Brookes University new figures have shown.

The annual Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey saw Oxford Brookes achieve an overall course satisfaction rate of 84 per cent.

The national average is 83 per cent and the current figures are an improvement on last year's score of 82 per cent.

Responding to the results Professor Julie McLeod, Pro Vice-Chancellor, said: “The above sector satisfaction responses from Brookes postgraduates recognise that the strong staff engagement in a wide range of areas and thus the PTES outcomes, together with the increasing response rate, provide a good view of the quality of our postgraduate provision.”

Oxford Brookes was in the sector upper quartile for satisfaction in the areas of Engagement, Dissertation/Project, Organisation & Management, and Skills Development.

The sector satisfaction responses from Brookes postgraduates cited the 'strong staff engagement in a wide range of areas and thus the PTES outcomes, together with the increasing response rate, provide a good view of the quality of our postgraduate provision.'

The survey is divided into eight teaching and learning categories, with Brookes performing as well as, or better, than the sector in every area.

The areas are: Teaching & Learning, Engagement, Assessment & Feedback, Dissertation or Major Project, Organisation & Management, Resources & Services, Skills Development.

The satisfaction rate for Skills Development, which relates to the development of postgraduate students’ skills around research, effective communication, and career preparedness, scored particularly well against the sector average - with 82 per cent satisfaction for Brookes compared to the sector’s 78 per cent.