FREEBIES will be handed out at Banbury Food Fair on Sunday as part of the Love Food Hate Waste campaign.

Cherwell District Council's green team will be at the fair in the town market to show locals how to help save money and the environment.

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign pushes the message of how portion control and food preparation can help save money.

This year's festival also features special guest chef Jean-Christophe Novelli, who will be on hand in the demonstration marquee.

Cherwell District Council lead member for clean and green Debbie Pickford said: “Our green team is right to say that when it comes to food waste, what’s good for the purse is good for the planet.

“Cherwell residents throw away the equivalent of nine jumbo jets’ worth edible food per year. That costs them money and puts a strain on our services.

“Banbury Food Festival is a wonderful chance to eat and enjoy high quality, locally made food and drink. It’s a unique alternative to shopping at the supermarket.

“Our green team will be there so that when our residents are picking out produce they can get help to make their purchases go further."

There will be around 100 traders at the fair and will also include the Banbury flower and produce show.

The fair will take place from 10.30am to 4.30pm in Banbury Market Place.