TWO people are still needed to come forward and volunteer to be Wallingford town councillors following two resignations.

Lynda Atkins, a former mayor and Wallingford county councillor has resigned for family reasons and her mother Betty Atkins, a town councillor for 21 years, resigned earlier this month for health reasons.

Her last official day as town councillor was Remembrance Sunday.

Mrs Atkins has been a Poppy Appeal collector for the past 25 years and said she would continue to collect for the Royal British Legion, but would have to shake a tin while seated in the Market Place because she could no longer stand for long periods.

A spokeswoman for the town council said it was in the process of co-opting two new councillors, which means they are selected by other councillors once their names have been put forward.

This avoids the cost of a by-election.

She added: "New councillors have not yet been chosen."

The resignations of Lynda and Betty Atkins followed the earlier resignations of Alec Hayton and Kevin Harvey, who were replaced in a by-election by Lee Upcraft and Matthew Cockman.

Once the two new councillors have been appointed there will be a total of 16 councillors on the town council, which is not run on a party-political basis.

One of the new councillors could be selected at a meeting on Monday, December 5.