A CHARITY is inviting local families to join its annual Carol Concert at Dorchester Abbey.

Parents and Children Together (PACT) has organised the performance for Sunday December 11, which will include musical numbers from the Dorchester Abbey Choir, Benson Military Wives Choir and young soprano Erin Hughes.

PACT Chief Executive Jan Fishwick said: "This is one of the highlights of the year at PACT. It’s a wonderfully festive event, which many PACT families attend year after year.

"All are welcome so please do come along and help us celebrate family life this Christmas."

PACT supports families across Oxfordshire and beyond through adoption, award-winning therapeutic support and community projects.

The concert begins at 5pm with a family tea party from 4pm.

Tickets are free but must be booked online.

Donations to PACT’s work with families will be welcomed.

For more information visit: pactcharity.org/carols.