INSPECTORS have given the stamp of approval to a childcare centre in Oxford following a recent visit.

The Co-operative Childcare in Roger Dudman Way was praised by Ofsted and rated good in all areas.

Inspectors said the manager provided strong leadership and that staff had a clear understanding of how children learn.

Children's individual needs and interests were said to be met through effectively planned play opportunities and the centre's management was praised for regularly seeking parents' views.

Staff were deemed to created a welcoming environment where children's care and welfare were given high priority.

In his report inspector Edgar Hastings said: "Children make good progress from their starting points.

"They develop their self-help skills, and share, take turns and play cooperatively with other children.

"Children have good handling skills, such as cutting and sticking, and confidently use a range of writing materials.

"They know and recognise numerals and can count confidently to at least 10.

"Children are confident and motivated learners and are well prepared for the next stage in their learning."

Mr Hastings said the centre, which has 75 children aged up to four, could improve further if it provided a consistent model of handwriting for children developing their early writing skills.

He also said children should be taught sound that letters represent accurately to develop their language and communication skills further.