A NEW seminar series will bring together leading figures from the arts and politics to discuss how best the country can commemorate war.

The new series at Oxford University will be called Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation and will be led by Prof Kate McLoughlin, Professor of English Literature at Oxford University and Dr Niall Munro, Senior Lecturer in American Literature at Oxford Brookes University.

Over the academic year 2017-2018, seminars will be held involving academics from many different fields, politicians, diplomats and others who have played a role in peace negotiations and commemoration events.

They will be joined by novelists, poets, artists and musicians whose work has marked war in some way.

Professor Kate McLoughlin said: "At a time when the public’s attention is focused on a number of major anniversaries, we have a real opportunity to bring together creative practitioners, academics and leaders in the cultural sector, the charitable sector and government, to think about how we can do commemoration better.

"'We will discuss what works and doesn’t work, and how we can ensure that commemoration and anniversaries have a positive impact, such as reconciliation between different communities or promoting peace.'

Dr Niall Munro said it was the 'perfect time' for the series, given the recent large-scale commemorations of the First World War and the American Civil War.

Researchers will study events such as the ceramic poppy installation at the Tower of London, and discuss how they were received.

Dr Munro added: "The anniversary activities in the UK, Europe, the United States and across the world have demonstrated that war remembrance resonates with human needs and inspires imaginations."

Based on discussions in the series, a report will be delivered to the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

There will also be a website with podcasts of the events and the series will concluded with a concert to which war veterans will be invited.

Dates for the seminars have not yet been confirmed.

For further information visit oxford.ac.uk