NEW plans to convert a village's Methodist chapel into three homes have been submitted.

The Methodist Church Oxford Circuit has submitted a second planning application for the buildings in Chalgrove.

It comes after planning officers at Vale of South Oxfordshire District Council told the church to improve its first plans.

In a statement of justification submitted with the new application the group said: "Generally, the application is being made as the chapel is now seriously underused and it is no longer commercially viable to run a separate church in this location.

"Therefore the trustees, as required under Charity Commission regulations, are looking at selling the site on.

"The congregation now meets together with the local Anglican church."

The site is not in a Conservation Area, the building is not listed, and the plans will not impact any adjacent listed buildings, the church said.

The church added: "The aim of the scheme overall is to regenerate a traditional building within the village and at the same time provide much-needed housing.

"The scheme has retained the main structures on site, thus retaining the essential character of the site and minimizing impact upon neighbours, reducing impact with regards to overlooking and overshadowing."

Members of public can see the new plans online at using reference number P16/S3762/FUL.

South Oxfordshire District Council is aiming to give the church a decision by January 5.