FAMILIES with First World War stories, photos and memorabilia are asked to pop along to an Oxford University roadshow today and share them.

The Oxford at War 1914-1918 Roadshow is being held at 13 Banbury Road between 11am and 4pm and is a free, open event where visitors can learn more about the First World War and its impact on Oxford.

People are also invited to bring along their own family stories and artefacts.

A team of historians will be on hand to talk through the material and record any information digitally.

All objects brought in, whether they be letters, photographs, medals or diaries, will be digitised and published online as part of the online archives Oxford at War 1914-1918 and Europeana 1914-1918.

There will also be talks, films and exhibitions at the event.

A statement on the Oxford at War website said: "You've seen Antiques Roadshow - well, this is the same without the valuation.

"Our experts will talk to you about your stories and what you have brought in.

"They'll record the details, and then our digitisers will photograph your items so we can upload them to the website.

"Please just turn up on the day, there may be queues but also exhibitions and films to divert you.

"We want to preserve the memory of the First World War and those who lived then.

"By recording stories and material in digital form, we can make them available online to students, researchers, school children and anyone interested in the history of the War and the stories about the people who lived then."

The Oxford at War 1914-1918 Roadshow is part of the Oxford Centenary Programme and part-funded by the Van Houten Bequest.