Fences and neighbours can often be a tricky subject, from who's responsible for what side to leaning items against fences and who can do what with the fence.

You might be planning on putting up a fence but are worried that your neighbour might not like it.

So, you may first want to check whether they can disprove the fence and stop you from putting one up before you spend money on the garden feature.  

To help you out, here are the important rules and regulations to know when it comes to fences and neighbour disputes. 

Check whether your neighbour can refuse your fence. Check whether your neighbour can refuse your fence. (Image: Getty)

Can a neighbour stop me from putting up a fence? 

Typically, a neighbour can only refuse for you to put a fence up if it oversteps their boundary and enters your land. 

To ensure your fence does not enter their land, you should first check exactly where the boundary lies between your own home and your neighbours. 

If you are not sure what your boundary is, you should check your house deeds for the property which should contain a plan of the land.

If you do not have access to your property's boundary, you can check the deeds online, here via the government website

Otherwise, you can purchase plans from the Land Registry, which allows you to buy both your own and neighbours' documents to ensure you know the boundary. 

If you find that there are no records of the property's boundaries, your best bet is to make new ones which you can do as long as your neighbour approves of the signs too. 

For cases which see neighbours disagree with boundaries, then your final result will be seeking help from legal advice. 

Can I change my neighbour's fence?

Citizens Advice states that you may not alter your side of the neighbour's fence without their permission.


Can a neighbour paint their side of my fence? The rule you need to know

Your neighbour also doesn't have to change their wall or fence (such as to make it higher for more privacy) just because you want them to.

If you believe the fence is dangerous, you should point this out to them as they may not be aware of the risk.

Also if they do not repair the dangerous wall or fence, you should contact your local authority.