Since the news broke that Dr Michael Mosley, famed for his Just One Thing podcast, numerous books and the Fast-800 diet, passed away last week, his everlasting life lessons have been making headlines.

Affectionately known as a 'health guru', the documentarian and journalist shaped the way Brits thought about their health for decades.

He was revered in the diet world and frequently helped Brits lose weight and more importantly, fat.

Too much belly fat can increase your risk of certain chronic conditions. Drinking less alcohol, eating more protein and lifting weights are just a few steps you can take to lose fat - but Mosley suggested other ways as well.

Mosley said shedding fat can be done by "cutting out" sugars and carbs, but you also must understand how weight gain works if you want long-lasting results.

He said: "You need to understand the basics of how insulin works. Your body makes insulin after a meal in order to keep blood sugar stable.

"On your cell walls, insulin opens up glucose ports to allow sugar through – for burning in muscle, and for storage in fat. In your fat, insulin also curbs the release of fatty acids into your system."

"All well and good – as long as your insulin is working. However, as we age cell-wall insulin receptors become less sensitive.

"As a result, even after a meal, our blood is replete with glucose and fatty acids. This is a toxic brew, driving an array of bad outcomes, including rapidly expanding belly fat.”

Because of this, stomach fat can impact older people more than young people. It can also affect women going through menopause as a change of hormones can lead to a slower metabolism.

It is therefore helpful for both women and men over 50 to change their diet.

"Cutting out sugar spikes is key"

Mosley recommended limiting, or avoiding, two food types: sugars and carbs. He said: "To make a serious impact on your belly fat, cutting out sugar spikes is key.

"A surprising number of 'diet' snacks and drinks are high in sugar, and are marketed as diet foods because they happen to be low in fat." Therefore, Mosley advised eating fewer sugary fruits such as mango, pineapple, sugary smoothies, and juices.

As for carbs, he stressed that "when people cut carbs, their appetite goes down and they lose weight".

Slimmers should "replace processed carbs like white bread, chips, and pasta with slow-release energy sources, such as brown rice or quinoa".

He added: "Two things will surprise you: the amount of sugar you were previously consuming and the speed at which your belly fat will begin to tame itself."