HOW can the county council’s policies over education be hidden with a smokescreen?

Every day we have been been flooded with how brilliant the county council’s Reading Campaign is.

The article (Our View, October 13) referring to Melinda Tilley making one decision over funding of £2,500 went beyond the pale in praise.

In ViewPoints, readers are flagging up major concerns regarding Oxford children’s education which have been ignored.

Please can the Oxford Mail get on track and cease to be the main propaganda vehicle for the county council.

Provide clear articles where councillors provide the truth and reasoning over comments they make.

Research these to enable the readers to be aware of the true facts.

Most readers have genuine concerns over expansion of primary schools and the importance of exercise and sport in learning. Before promoting and rushing into developing academy schools – if a school changes to an academy and problems occur, who will be responsible to step in and help? Will the school cease to exist?

We all know it is important for young children to be able to read, but your features on the subject have gone to overkill, and unnecessary praise for ineffective councillors is galling.

Good education is a basic right for all children’s futures.

I will be pleasantly surprised if you choose to print this letter.

Readers do value a free press, this shows democracy.

ELAINE BENNETT, Marston Road, Marston, Oxford