COME on Thames Valley Police, it’s time to change the system which obviously is not working when Mrs Birtles has her belongings stolen in Headington (ViewPoints, October 15) and nothing is done.

There appears to be CCTV of the two thieves.

Someone should attend these incidents, not deal with them on a telephone.

The police should be concentrating on dealing with crime and incidents out in public, not sitting in offices bean-counting to meet the figures set by someone in the Home Office.

You have community teams. Where are they?

For goodness sake, a Pcso could have called at the shop and collected the video.

And someone should have attended.

The two offenders may have committed more crimes by now, which has pushed the figures of undetected crime even higher.

I hope someone has drawn this to the attention of the area commander, and once he or she is aware of it, deals with it by sending an officer straight away with a written apology to Mrs Birtles.

If you are really that stuck, give the Oxford Mail a ring from divisional HQ and they will give you my telephone number.

I will drive in from Bicester, pick up the footage and deliver it to whichever of the two police stations in Oxford is open – and I won’t charge you anything for my time or travel expenses.

CHRIS PAYNE, Turnpike Road, Bicester