Sir –  Your report and editorial (Time to think, September 27) were based on the planning inspector ‘approving’ the proposed Northern Gateway development within the city council’s core strategy.

This is technically correct but somewhat misleading. In fact he allowed this element to go forward to the next planning stage — an area action plan for the site — where satisfactory provision for transport and other aspects of the development would remain to be tested.

I and other objectors at the core strategy hearing maintained it would not be possible to bring forward proposals for major employment on this site which would overcome the already appalling traffic conditions in the vicinity and be consistent with government policies for promoting sustainable travel. Your report suggests that this concern is proving well-founded.

Even if the developers were prepared to fund the necessary highway improvements at Wolvercote (a big ‘if’ in present economic conditions) the majority of the 3,000 or so employees would be commuting from outside the city, mostly by car. This would increase traffic and pollution on the already overloaded A34 and A40 and add to car dependence.

Meanwhile, land at Oxpens in the centre of the city close to the rail station and
well-suited to commercial development lies vacant. The city is exceptionally fortunate in having already received Government commitment to the rebuilding of the station, the electrification of services and the
reopening of the line from Milton Keynes via Bicester.

The area around a new station offers unparalleled accessibility within the county for travel by modes other than car and the city and county councils should be doing everything in their power to derive maximum benefit from this opportunity.

Continuing to promote Northern Gateway does not help in this. Such edge-of-town development is unnecessary and literally outmoded. It is time for a change of plan.
Peter Headicar, Oxford