Sir, The notion of Headington becoming a health and education zone of Oxford' as envisaged by Prof John Raftery, Brookes' pro-vice chancellor and reported by your paper on October 20 should ring alarm bells for local residents.

The proposed Dorset House plans for 363 student rooms, coupled with the Highfield, Park and Warneford student developments will destroy Headington as a thriving residential community. The area will become a student dormitory campus and further students will be drawn to the area, increasing the number of student housing rentals, not releasing residential housing back to the community. If this were the planned outcome then the following should be adhered to - Generally student housing should be on land not suited to ordinary housing' (local Plan section 7.8.3) but this land is eminently suitable for domestic housing.

Prof Raftery is'interested in making people aware that they are passing through a different kind of quarter'. This may be fine for Brookes' replacement lecture theatres but the visual impact of a large accommodation block on the major route into Oxford city centre would be devastating. Dorset House is a fine Victorian villa built in 1878. This building and the original Coachman's House, 42 London Road, are architecturally unique in Headington and listed by the Assistant Conservation Officer as of interest. Neither should be demolished and both should be incorporated into any development which must be a mixed development. (Local Plan Policy DS27).

This planning application attracted in excess of 260 names on petitions and 126 letters and e-mails of objection. Quintain has withdrawn its application for the moment, but may I encourage objectors to voice their opinions again if they oppose Quintain's revised application.

Dr Brian Anderson, Headington