He look like a pretty boy, but for Spencer Terry, a parrot has become something of an ungrateful guest.

The Green Amazon bird flew on to his shoulder in Kidlington last week and proved something of a difficult house guest.

Given sanctuary in Mr Terry's home in Queen's Avenue, the parrot - whose identity has been protected while its owners are traced - proceeded to trash the family bathroom.

And the way he is behaving, he looks unlikely to join Alf and Charlie -Mr Terry's other parrots - and Buster the Staffordshire Bull Terrier when they get Sunday treats.

The 55-year-old delivery driver, who lives with his wife Valerie and 13-year-old daughter Louise, said: "I came out to take the dog for a walk when someone called at me saying 'hello sweetie' - I really thought my luck had changed.

"I told Louise to go inside and get some bird seed and as she walked off with the dog, he flew down straight on to my shoulder.

"I was really surprised because I had only been gone from the house for five minutes.

"We went home and I put him in the bathroom because I didn't have a cage, but he wrecked it. All the toothbrushes were trashed, the mirror was tipped over and he generally made a right mess of the place."

The bird has since adjusted to his new home, but Mr Terry, who has been keeping parrots for 14 years, is keen to find his owner.

He said: "He has definitely come from a good home because he has been too well looked after."

Is he your parrot? Call Mr Terry on 07818020590.