PROPOSALS to extend the hours of a takeaway have been given short-shrift by council planners.

Dominos Pizza, based in residential Buckingham Crescent, Bicester, wants to run a food delivery service until 1am, seven-days-a-week, instead of its current 11pm restriction. But Cherwell District Council ’s planning officers have recommended the application be refused at a planning committee meeting on Thursday.

In a report, officers say extending the shop’s hours would cause a nuisance to neighbours and would be incompatible with a residential area.

Residents have written a series of letters opposing the move.

A previous application in 2010 was refused by officers on the grounds it was harmful to the residential character of the area.

In its latest application, Dominos said it wanted to extend the trading hours due to “public demand for food delivery after 11pm”.

The firm said it would restrict the number of delivery drivers to three after 11pm, and no collections would be available after 11pm.