I BEG to differ on Ken Roper’s (View Points, August 31), comments concerning Cowley car works.

Contrary to his view that the lack of car fittings was due to supplier failure, it was due to the Ryder report which advocated less volume of fittings in reserve to save money as we were on measured day work.

It did not take a genius to work out how many car fittings would be required in a working week!

The other consequence was that on a Saturday morning we received treble time all due to the “brilliant” Ryder report.

BMW has a supply fittings control, but they also have competent management.

As for Mr Roper not receiving his full dues for being on short time, his bosses probably realised that he was not the sharpest pencil in the box and treated him accordingly.

GLYN LIMMER, Roosevelt Road, Long Hanborough