AM writing to set the record straight in relation to your piece (September 4).

As so often happens in the media a good story was turned into a bad one.

The headline chosen was ‘Concerns after college says it may take on students’.

The information was taken from The Times on Saturday which reported that Magna Carta College, Oxford was offering to take 500 of the stranded students from London Met. Good.

But the Oxford Mail have to phone the council leader and get him to express concern about housing.


There is no concern and Magna Carta College is validated to take this number of students by the council.

Will newspapers never believe that readers do not always have to have a “concerned “ spin when they read their news? Some news actually is good.

Dr DAVID FAULKNER BSc (Econ) MA, D Phil (OXON) Professor Emeritus, University of London Dean, Magna Carta College, Oxford