LIKE David Diment (View Points, August 21), I too am concerned about what his happening to the occupants of Luther Court with A2 Dominion’s plans to redesign it to include dwellings for overseas students.

Many years ago I was involved with a campaign to provide housing for single people.

At the time they were never included on the housing lists.

As a result of lobbying the then city council, Luther Court was built for which everyone was very pleased.

Eventually it not only provided accommodation for the single, but also for the vulnerable single-homeless.

I am sad and concerned that now several of those vulnerable people are to be moved elsewhere until A2 Dominion has finished the new plans. Is there nowhere in this city that can be free from student accommodation?

It seems as if every space, every nook and cranny is to be given over to student accommodation.

Is there no thought left for the needs of the residents of Oxford?

Or for those who were bred and born here, or those who have contributed all of their lives to this city?

Or is it always the students who take the priority in everything?

PAMELA WEBBER, Bullingdon Road, Oxford