A PROLIFIC fraudster who deceived sales assistants in Oxfordshire to fund his cocaine habit has been jailed.

Mark Coe, 23, of Marston Road in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, admitted fraud at a store in Main Road, Long Hanborough, and the Co-op in London Road, Headington, on August 9.

He admitted deceiving the sales assistants of both stores to receive more change than he was due – £30. Coe asked Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday to take three similar frauds into account before sentencing. He was given six weeks in prison.

Clare Barclay, prosecuting, said: “With regard to his previous convictions, I think Mr Coe can be described as a prolific offender.

“He has numerous convictions for dishonesty, the last matter being in May this year, and it goes back some way.”

Patrick Grant, defending, blamed dealers offering free samples for Coe’s cocaine addiction, describing it as a “vicious, vicious cycle”.

But he said Coe had also committed the frauds to obtain cash for his seven months pregnant girlfriend and the son they are about to have.

Magistrates sentenced him to six weeks in prison for each of the two offences, which will run concurrently.