CAMPAIGNERS opposed to the planned high speed rail link which will skirt north Oxfordshire have called on the Government to drop the scheme following the cabinet reshuffle.

Patrick McLoughlin replaced Justine Greening as Secretary of State for Transport on Tuesday.

Now the chairman of 51m, a group of 18 local authorities along the route — including Cherwell District Council — which was set up to fight the HS2 proposal, is urging the new minister to reconsider.

The London-Birmingham link would cut across north-east Oxfordshire near Finmere and Mixbury, close to the Northamptonshire border.

51m chairman Martin Tett said: “The business case for HS2 has collapsed and there are much more important priorities for infrastructure investment that will bring jobs and growth now, when we need them.

“We trust that new Secretary of State Patrick McLoughlin will approach the issue of HS2 with an open mind, look at the facts and the alternatives that 51m have put forward and decide to consign this project to the ‘waste paper bin’.