Oxford Mail: St Edwards bursary logo

Readers have until October 19 to enter the Anniversary Bursary competition.

Applicants will need to submit a 300-word supporting statement on why their son or daughter should win the bursary alongside a fully completed entry form, published each week in The Oxford Times .

Pupils must attend a state school in the county, have just started in year eight and live within an approximate 10-mile radius of Oxford so that their parental home is close enough to allow them to fully participate in life at Teddies. Their parental household income must not exceed £38,500 net. Full eligibility details are given below.

Once references have been taken up, successful candidates will be contacted by November 5 inviting them to spend a day at the school on November 19.

On that day they will join in with lessons, sports and house activities. Hopefuls will also be asked to submit a 500-word supporting statement on the day, stating why they should be offered the place. Pastoral interviews will also be held.

The St Edward’s team and The Oxford Times editor will draw up a shortlist of candidates who will be notified on December 14 they have made it through to the next round.

On January 18, candidates will be invited to sit examination papers in mathematics, English, science and non-verbal reasoning tests. This will be followed by academic interviews before the finalists are announced.

Finalists and parents will be invited back to the school on February 22, where youngsters will be asked to demonstrate extra-curricular abilities.

The winner of the £150,000 bursary will be announced in The Oxford Times on March 14. In the coming weeks The Oxford Times will be providing further details about the Anniversary Bursary, including details of a special open day on October 6.



  • Candidates will have started year eight in September 2012 and be born between September 1, 1999 and August 31, 2000.
  • Candidates must be a current state school pupil and be living with an approximate 10-mile radius of Oxford.
  • The winner will take up his or her place in September 2013, the 150th anniversary year of the school’s foundation.
  • To be eligible, candidates’ household incomes must be at or below the national average of £38,500 net.
  • Children will be asked to sit the school’s own entrance exam. Academic ability is not the only criterion for selection, but applicants would need to have achieved Level 4 or above in their year six SATs.
  • As well as reasonable academic ability, the selection panel will be looking for children who can offer talent or potential in art, drama, dance, music or sport.

Being A Day Pupil

  • The school day at St Edward’s begins at 8.30am.
  • After lessons, day pupils stay on to complete their prep (homework) and take part in the many extra-curricular activities on offer.
  • In the evenings, pupils might be rehearsing a play, performing an informal concert, attending a society or talk, visiting the theatre or cinema, or countless other options.
  • Day pupils leave school at 9pm, and for this reason, we will be looking for a child who lives close enough to St Edward’s for this not to present logistical difficulties.
  • Lessons also take place on Saturday mornings and pupils take part in matches or sports lessons on Saturday afternoons.
  • Day pupils are free to go home after sporting commitments on a Saturday which is usually around 4pm — or later if matches are played some distance from school.
  • Some day pupils also attend school on Sundays to participate in activities.