A MAN who held a knife to his pregnant partner’s neck and told her “I’m going to end it for us both” has been spared jail.

Robert Church went on a drunken rampage, smashing windows, confronting neighbours and headbutting his partner on August 4.

Oxford Crown Court heard police had to use CS spray to subdue the 30-year-old software engineer.

Church, of Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames, was sentenced on Monday having admitted common assault, two charges of causing criminal damage, making threats to kill and affray. He was given two years’ supervision, a domestic-violence treatment programme and a three-month stay at a probation hostel.

Tim Boswell, prosecuting, said Church had gone out drinking, leaving six-months pregnant Joanna Wiszniewska at home.

When he did not return on time, Miss Wiszniewska left him a message saying his belongings would be outside when he got back.

At about 3.30am, Church returned and started smashing their car windows with a frying pan. He then threatened a neighbour who tried to intervene.

Church then began hitting himself with the frying pan, before putting a large kitchen knife to Miss Wiszniewska’s neck, saying: “I’m going to end it for us both. I don’t want to live, I’m tired, I don’t want the baby, this is the way out.”

He then kicked and headbutted her twice.

Daniel Wright, defending, said his client has “underlying mental health issues” and a drink problem. He said the couple have reconciled.