AN ABANDONED bull terrier puppy is recovering at a rescue kennel after being dumped in a litter bin.

The RSPCA is appealing for information after the Staffordshire bull terrier cross was left trapped in the bin in a layby near Bicester.

Cherwell District Council ’s waste and recycling officer John Cobb was on his rounds on Thursday when he found the puppy in a layby just north of the town.

The dog, which was wearing a collar, had been forced through a small opening in the bin, along with his lead and a blanket.

Mr Cobb said: “I got to my first bins in Buckingham Road about 7.40am. I emptied the first one, then as I opened the second I saw some movement and realised it was a dog.

“The poor thing was clearly very scared, but I didn’t want to just reach in as I didn’t know whether it would bite.

“I tipped the bin on its side then did my best to coax it out.”

The dog was taken to Ardley Rescue Kennels where he was given a bath, fed, then left to sleep under a heat lamp. He is now being called Binny.

Kennel trustee Annabelle Pottle said: “He’s only a puppy, somewhere between 12 and 16 weeks old.

“When he was brought in he was bleeding from his feet, around the claws, which is most likely from him scratching to get out of the bin.

“That is something which will heal now he’s out but it must have been quite an ordeal for him.”

RSPCA inspectors are not sure whether Binny was stolen, then dumped by the thief.

He will remain at the rescue kennels until he is claimed. If no one comes forward he will be rehoused.

Ms Pottle added: “We would really need to make sure we have the right person if we are to rehome him.”

Cherwell district councillor Nigel Morris said: “It beggars belief that someone would be this callous.

“I’m a dog owner myself and I can’t imagine how I would feel if my pet had been put through this kind of ordeal."

The RSPCA will consider prosecution if those responsible for dumping Binny can be found.

RSPCA inspector Luke Hughes said: “It is shocking to think that someone has just dumped this poor puppy in a bin.

“We clearly want to speak to anyone who has any information as to who may have dumped this puppy. He was found with a black lead with white writing on it which said ‘bad to the bone’ on it.”

Anyone with information regarding the incident should call the RSPCA inspector appeal line on 0300 123 8018.