I HOPE the two people involved in the crash in Bayswater Road near the Green Road roundabout will be OK (August 31).

This is the second rush-hour crash here in two months. I know I’m not the only person to have been trying for some time to persuade the county council to improve access to the roundabout from Bayswater Road.

This is now becoming a matter of urgency.

As city councillors representing the area, my colleagues and I have pressed for this to be done with the developer’s financial contributions that will be forthcoming from the new housing in Barton.

There is also the need for a safe crossing between Barton and Risinghurst at or near Collinwood Road to consider.

I hope therefore that the county council will reconsider its current somewhat belated and sudden intervention in the debate, and work constructively with us to address the important road safety issues affecting local people.


Barton and Sandhills Ward

Heath Close
