WE increasingly hear complaints from High-Street stores (not supermarkets, Tesco rule the UK?), complaining of falling trade and of people using the internet for their purchases. While I do agree that the internet is not helping the situation, I get very annoyed at so many high street stores with their high-pressure selling techniques, asking you if you would like top-up phone cards, chocolate, credit cards and carrier bags and so on. Shop after shop now use this hard-sell tactic, with sport shops being some of the worst offenders. I for one am sick of this tactic, being asked time after time, shop after shop, so I now refuse to use some shops because of this. I am sorry to say that the internet is a lot less hassle. If I want a bar of chocolate, for example, I will buy one. I don’t appreciate being pressured into buying it – I find that quite offensive. Treat people with the respect they deserve and they may start using the shops again.


Ypres Way
