WITH reference to the German city of Freiburg being the inspiration behind the masterplan for the new Barton West estate (Oxford Mail, August 27): we are all aware that the last time a development of this size was created at Greater Leys, many mistakes were made.

Sue Holden, of Barton Community Association, is right in saying “what [planners] need to be doing is look at the new development in relationship to the existing estate”.

Planners never did this at Greater Leys, nor during the regeneration of Rose Hill. Here we have new, pokey housing association homes that are not very wide but are very tall. Gardens in these properties are never maintained by the association or the tenants. Private homes here, we were promised, would never be sold to a single landlord, yet they were, resulting in more neglect from student occupiers.

I noticed Freiburg has some attractive ‘green’ apartment blocks. If these are what are planned for Barton West, Sue Holden wants to make sure what type of maintenance would be in place. I can’t seen Oxford City Council looking after them, or even a private landlord.

Maybe a better consultation with Barton residents could help to find out what they would be happy with.

The German city of Freiburg may have inspired planners, this time, for Barton West, but what good did their inspiration do for Greater Leys and Rose Hill? Wasn’t this obtained from the Disney Land Resort in Paris? After all, both developments can be described as a bit goofy!



Williamson Way

Rose Hill